MK:Smart project features as a case study in new World Bank Group report on IoT
As a result of the work conducted under the MK:Smart project umbrella, Milton Keynes takes a prominent place in recently published report by the World Bank Group that focuses on governmental response...
MK:Smart in China
Geoff Snelson, director of strategy and futures of Milton Keynes council presented the MK:Smart vision to the TM Forum 3rd Smart City in Focus Forum in Yinchuan, China. The MK delegation included...
MK:Smart summary video
As MK:Smart project came to an end, we reflect on our achievements to date in this short video summarising some of the main areas of MK:Smart research. Although the project officially finished at...
February 2017
Data - MK Data Hub
Data driven solutions supporting city development
Communications - OurMK
Citizens involvement in creation of Smart Cities
February 2017
Housing - CAPE
Higher Standards and lower costs for homeowners
Best Academic & Business Research Project
June 2016
快帆 - 免费海外回国VPN加速器,华人音乐视频游戏必备 ...:2021-5-28 · 🎉🎉🎉免注册 零门槛 永久免费🎉🎉🎉 快帆是一款免费帮助海外华人用户翻墙回国的VPN加速器,从国外直连中国国内,穿梭畅游回国,让你在海外也能无限制地使用音乐、视频、游戏等国内APP 🎵音乐&播客🎵 酷狗音乐、网易云音乐、QQ音乐、虾米音乐、酷我 ...
December 2015
(Highly Commended)
Information Technology – IOT Data Hub
December 2015
为什么网易云音乐海外不能用了? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-10-26 · 坐标日本福冈 iOS, 安卓的方法已更新,此方法可使用一切国内影音软件,无版权问题。好啦开写 连接到WIFI,找到你连接WIFI,长按管理网络设置,显示高级选项,找到IP设置。把DHCP改成静态 在DNS处输入 备用DNS可以不
November 2015
Data-driven innovation to address city growth challenges in Milton Keynes
October 2015
Best virtualisation and disaster recovery project
June 2015
Enabling the Smart City Digital Ecosystem - Best New Catalyst
March 2014
Environmental and Corporate Sustainability